We normally conduct walking tours of our schools with prospective students and their families. However, these are not normal times. Until we resume our tours, please enjoy this virtual tour.
About Us
We’re a co-educational school with around 1250 students from Year 7 to Year 12.
The school opened in 1979 when St Augustine’s Girls Secondary College expanded and moved to this location as É«ÏãÊÓƵ. Today the school continues its affiliation with Mercy Education, and was recently recognised as one of Cambridge University’s 100 Most Innovative Schools.
We’re proud to be known as a school that’s welcoming to all. We provide a balance of spiritual, academic, cultural, physical, emotional and social learning within a respectful and positive environment.
It is my honour to introduce you to É«ÏãÊÓƵ.
My staff and I are passionate about finding the next education horizon, so that every student can thrive.
— Lorraine Willis
Our students are proud of their communities. We encourage this camaraderie by team building activities such as community days and special events, raising money for charity, and sitting together at assembly and Mass.
The result is an energised school with a sense of ownership and belonging. We place our student population into six communities from Year 7 to Year 12. There are seven or eight Learning Mentor groups within each community.
Two Learning Mentors support each group. Learning Mentors operate as a team but work closely with up to 14 students allocated to their care. A Learning Community Leader coordinates each Community.
We normally conduct walking tours of our schools with prospective students and their families. However, these are not normal times. Until we resume our tours, please enjoy this virtual tour.
We’re constantly upgrading and improving our school’s facilities, from traditional classrooms to collaborative areas and quiet study zones.
We’re proud to foster a positive culture for staff and students, which is driven by the support and strategic management of our leadership team.
This is more than the teaching of religious education. It is how we, as a community, express and live our Catholic faith. We do this not only through masses but by engaging in our local area and on a global scale through the Mercy values of hospitality, compassion and justice.
É«ÏãÊÓƵ is a FIRE Carrier School. FIRE stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education. The FIRE Carrier Project is a joint initiative of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Victoria, Opening the Doors Foundation and Catholic Education Sandhurst. It seeks to keep the Reconciliation flame alight in schools, educating the wider community about Reconciliation.
A key feature of our masterplan is the development of effective learning and teaching spaces to meet the needs of the broad range of subjects our students undertake. This will incorporate the development of a new building that facilitates first class learning and teaching spaces.
Additionally, this will include the redevelopment of the Nganala site into a specific Religious Education domain space. This will allow a focus on the continued growth of exceptional learning, teaching and experiential opportunities in RE and Youth Ministry activities.
An architect has been engaged to assist us with the development of this plan. The first phase of works has begun at the Nganala site and work is anticipated to begin on the new building by 2024.
Our Sustainability Team comprises students and staff who are passionate about reducing our waste, energy and water use, as well as conserving biodiversity.
Thinking global and acting local, this volunteer group has inspired our community to make significant changes. We now have four waste streams to minimise our contribution to landfill, compost our food waste on-site and use only reusable cups and water bottles at school events.
Some initiatives students can be involved in are: